Every new situation demands from you a response that cannot be prepared beforehand. It does not expect the past. It does expect the presence and responsibility: it is awaiting you

Martin Buber

Gestalt Therapy, Individual Therapy, Couple Therapy, Skype, Group Therapy, Support Group, Workshops, Self-Awareness and Personal Development

My Relationships:

What relationships do you create with your loved ones and the rest of the world? What kind of relationship do you create with yourself? Does the way you build it strengthen you or rather takes your energy away and limit you?

My Existence, Self-Awareness and Personal Development:

What hinders you from fully unfurling your sails? What currents and ties are holding them back? If not now, when do you want to set the sail? "My method is too good to be limited to the sick", said Fritz Perls, the creator of the Gestalt approach

I and My Partner:

Do you think your partner stopped understanding or seeing you? Are you looking for a space where you can honestly talk, where everyone feels heard and is open to listen? What is important to both of you?

My Energy Level:

Do you lack the strength and energy to start the day? Do you have many ideas but no motivation? Do you think that means it always has to be that way?

Contact with My Body:

Do you experience back pains, headaches or chest tightness? Do you wonder whether it’s a disease or whether it’s your body saying that it needs or doesn’t want something?

My Boundaries:

Is it easy for you to say "NO" when someone oversteps your boundaries? What do you actually do in that situation and what do you wish you could do? What stops you?

I as a Woman:

What are the most important roles in my life? Do I find time for myself in the rush of everyday life? How do I see myself as a woman? What do I bring or dismiss? do I want to live my life?

I as a Man:

What sort of man am I? What does it mean to be a man these days? What is my experience of trust? How do I actually feel and how do I wish I felt? What gives me strength and what weakens me? Am I happy with my life?

My Parenting:

Do you experience parenting as easy and enjoyable? Or are you finding this role challenging, , a time when reality confronts you with your issues?

My Nutrition:

What is the function of eating in your life? Does it seem too important to you or too restrictive in your everyday life?

Experiencing a Loss:

How to live on when you lose a loved one? Can you be in presence or do you live in the past?


Changing your place of residence means changing your life and being among people who may not understand you. How to find yourself in the new environment?

Gestalt Therapy

Therapy with the Gestalt approach encourages you to take a closer look at the way you create relationship with yourself (with your thoughts, beliefs, patterns, etc.), what kind of decisions you make, how you create your reality in relation to people you meet in your life – also with the therapist. This relation can reveal the key characteristics of the client, which determine the way he or she functions, understands himself or herself and the world, as well as the way he or she makes decisions, because mental suffering occurs when thoughts, emotions and needs are not available to consciousness. Therapy can be seen as a journey that the client and the therapist undertake. This journey is a creative process where the client learns how to access and discover the ‘unknown land’ and then navigate through life, with more choice and understanding. That means: understanding your own thoughts, emotions and the way they arise. The therapist gives the client a space to see, understand and become more aware of their unique ways of functioning in life. New knowledge and experience enable the client to function better, to have more freedom to make decisions in a more conscious and responsible way in response to the presented environment. We are offering Consultations, Individual Therapy, Couples Therapy, Group Therapy, Support Groups, and Developmental Workshops. We also support you to use our E-advice service.

About us

We are Gestalt therapists and a married couple with dozen years of experience. We continuously grow and develop by way of the existential-humanistic psychology approach and other methodologies. What is important to each of us is the room for diversity and complementarity. Each of us finds that working together is a place where we find our common passion, faith in other human beings and their infinite possibilities for development, as well as readiness to share our knowledge and experience. We work with adults, teenagers, couples, families and institutions.

Our Team

Lechosław Nowak

Lechosław Nowak

E-mail: leszek@gestalt-zurich.ch

Jestem terapeutą i trenerem grupowym. Ukończyłem czteroletnią Szkołę Trenerów i Psychoterapeutów w krakowskim Instytucie Integralnej Psychoterapii Gestalt akredytowanym przez EAGT (European Association for Gestalt Therapy) i FORGE (Federation of Gestalt Training Organization).
Czynnie rozwijam się uczestnicząc w szkoleniach i konferencjach. Moje doświadczenie terapeutyczne zdobywałem między innymi na Oddziale Dziennym Terapii Uzależnienia od Alkoholu i Substancji Psychoaktywnych oraz w Centrum Rozwoju i Aktywności Dzieci i Młodzieży w Centrum Interwencji Kryzysowej KARAN we Wrocławiu.
Pracuję w nurcie humanistyczno-egzystencjalnym, gdzie nadrzędnym celem jest Twoje dobro, Twój rozwój, Twoja samoświadomość, Twoje wybory, Twoje być może pierwsze spotkanie z sobą samym, takim jakim jesteś. Jeśli masz otwartość na spotkanie ze sobą, w atmosferze zrozumienia, wsparcia, eksplorowania, doświadczania to zapraszam Ciebie do kontaktu. Jestem również współzałożycielem inicjatywy DomTerapeutow.pl. Pracuję w języku polskim i angielskim. Oprócz praktyki terapeutycznej posiadam doświadczenie pracy w korporacjach doradczych i finansowych.
Jestem członkiem Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychoterapii Gestalt (PTPG) oraz AAGT (The Association for the Advancement of Gestalt Therapy). W trosce o dobro i rozwój moich klientów korzystam z regularnej superwizji.

Jagoda Nowak

Jagoda Nowak

E-mail: jagoda@gestalt-zurich.ch 2

Jestem psychologiem, terapeutą i trenerem. Pracuję w nurcie humanistyczno-egzystencjalnym. Ukończyłam czteroletnią Szkołę Trenerów i Psychoterapeutów w krakowskim Instytucie Integralnej Psychoterapii Gestalt akredytowanym przez EAGT (European Association for Gestalt Therapy) i FORGE (Federation of Gestalt Training Organization).
Jestem absolwentką Wydziału Psychologii o specjalności psychologia kliniczna, Szkoły Wyższej Psychologii Społecznej w Warszawie. Ukończyłam również Szkołę Pomagania Rodzinie (I i II stopień), w ujęciu systemowym, we Wrocławskiej Pracowni Psychoedukacji i Terapii "Plus" Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychologicznego. Biorę udział w krajowych i międzynarodowych warsztatach i szkoleniach, które wciąż motywują mnie do dalszego rozwoju własnego oraz poszerzania swojej wiedzy i doświadczenia.
Doświadczenie kliniczne zdobyłam m.in. podczas stażu na Oddziale Psychiatrycznym dla Dzieci i Młodzieży w Wojewódzkim Szpitalu Specjalistycznym we Wrocławiu oraz na Oddziale Psychiatrycznym Dziennym w Dolnośląskim Centrum Zdrowia Psychicznego we Wrocławiu. Jestem członkiem Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychoterapii Gestalt (PTPG). W trosce o dobro i rozwój moich klientów korzystam z regularnej superwizji.

Contact Us

If you have an appointment or you have questions or offers please contact us .

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